Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is Life a Comedy?

I think life should be a comedy.
If you look at all great comedies (Much Ado About Nothing; You've Got Mail; Tommy Boy; Hot Rod; My Big Fat Greek know, the CLASSICS) there's a little bit of everything in life (adventure, tragedy, romance...) and it's just taken a different way.
Instead of pitying oneself, or focusing on the romance/adventure, the protagonist takes the entertaining part of life and expound upon it.
I know a lot of old people (well, elderly. Senior citizens would be the proper, politically correct term). I've been blessed with the opportunity to work alongside many older people. I've learned many great lessons from these people. I've decided to pass on some of my insights provided to me by the generation most often ignored by young people.

Laughter is the best medicine.
Life was meant to be a comedy. It is not good for us to be so serious all the time, or to dwell in self-pity. I understand that sometimes, its hard. Sometimes life is HARD. But, it is how we deal with the cards we are dealt as to how our lives turn out. The oldest people I know have taken a positive outlook on life. They have been given hard lives, but they are able to find the good in life.
2. "Staying up all night was meant for being with a good lookin' man dancin', flirtin', and drinkin'."
I don't drink. Nor do I make it a habit to staying up all night. This is actually a direct quote from one of my elderly friends. I think she's right. And really, how can I argue with her? I like to spend time with good lookin' men, especially when flirting is involved. No need to tell me twice! I will make sure that the next time I'm not staying up all night to work, I am out having a good time! Basically, just have a good time. If you are grumpy all the time and focusing on the bad parts of life, you aren't going to get very far.
And you will probably have a major stroke at age 27 and die. Just sayin'.
3. Listen to good music.
Like Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Beethoven.
The good stuff is much better for you. It soothes the soul. And really, who doesn't love listening to deep, sexy man voices sing romantic gibberish?
4. Slow DOWN!!!
Don't feel a need to rush through everything in life. Take life as it comes at you. Seriously. What is the point to rush to the finish line? Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare rushed to the end, and still didn't win. Slow and steady wins the race. It's not a race to see who can die of a heart attack first. Take each day as it comes and cherish it. Love the obstacles you are given. Enjoy the miracles you witness. Give gratitude to the Lord for the blessings you are given.
5. Soul mates exist.
Oh. My. HECK! Soul mates do exist. Each of us has a special someone that is meant for us out in the world somewhere. It seems SO daunting to try to find that one special someone. But, seeing cute old couples together, taking care of each other in their old age, and just loving each other gives me hope that, ONE DAY, I will be old, wrinkly, and ornery, with my husband. But like everything in life, it takes work. None of these couples are together because of arranged marriages or just stumbling into the other in the street one day (I'm sorry to break it to you, but Hollywood lies!). Each of these couples has their cute story of how they met and had to "fight" in someway to be together. Most of the time it is just convincing the other to be with them.
But the work is very much worth the prize.
6. Young men in uniform are sexy no matter YOUR age
I think this is pretty self-explanatory.
7. Nothing is better than another SUNRISE.
Some believe sunsets to be sexy and romantic. I have come to believe that sunrises are the most romantic.
Sunrises symbolize:
--> the beginning of something new
--> a fresh start
--> a NEW day
--> rebirth
--> love
Why would you want to start something at the end of the day? When its about to get dark?
I have always been an early bird, but I've come to learn that it is better to start your day at the beginning, when the earth is waking up.
The sunrise means you've made it through another night.
It means that you are prepared to start a new day.
It means LIFE.

And whether life is a tragedy, comedy, romance, adventure, drama, sci-fi, or a mixture of all of the above, life is meant to be LIVED.