Saturday, February 26, 2011


So, pretty much, when I saw this on my homepage yesterday, I laughed really hard. It was about 3pm in Mesa, and it was 70 degrees. BG was only 34, and Rexburg was 23...
and, I thought it was kind of chilly when I walked to the mailbox barefoot and wearing shorts and a t-shirt...
Take that, you people in Washington and Idaho who thought I was crazy to move to AZ!
Who's suffering now?

Friday, February 18, 2011

WHAT? HUH? Really?

I can make this:


But I can't make THIS:

Or this:

to save my life. What's up with that?

Who Woulda Thunk?

So, pretty much, I never thought about how living in my own apartment would be that much different from living in my college apartment. 

But, I love watching my different neighbors during my comings and goings. 

There is one lady who lives in the building directly across from my living room window. No matter what time it is, she is always sitting on her patio, talking on the phone....
Well, sometimes, she's sitting in a plastic lawn chair in front of her apartment...talking on the phone. 

But, I have come to appreciate the fact, that whether I'm coming or going, whether it's 5am, or 11pm, Ms. Talk-a-Holic is a constant in my new life.

And, I thought I talked a lot....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kabob....the origin.

Okay, people. How hard is it to pronounce someone's name correctly?

This is how I became Jenn Kabob.

No one can say my last name right. They just can't. It's like there's a teeny letter that I can't see on the end of my name that tells everyone else to mispronounce it. 


I've gotten what could be every version of my name.



So, in college, after being called Jenn Kabob at church one time, it just kind of stuck.

Thank you, Hannah, Paige, Kassi, Rachel, Jessica, Kassie, and everyone else.
Your nickname has created a phenomenon.  The beginning of something great.

And, quite possibly, this could be my million dollar break. I'll be sure to thank you when I accept an award for Jenn Kabob: The Movie.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

AKA: Jenn Kabob Moments.


There are all sorts of moments in life.

Yesterday, I was doing something in the back of my car, and as I was getting out, I smacked my head on the roof of the car. a lovely bump on the lower right side on the back of my head....

Today I was on the phone with Kaiti. I rolled off my bed, and smacked the lower left side on the back of my head on the top of my iron. 
...lovely matching bump on the back of my head, on the other side....

Luckily, there are no ER visits because of this. 

Luckily, the iron was off.

Luckily, no one saw me hitting my head on the car roof, as it was 5 am, and I was going to work.

Luckily, I've made it almost an entire week living totally on my own, and haven't visited the ER yet.

...And these are what are also known as: Jenn Kabob moments.

new goals.

No ER trips this year. 

....or urgent care...

...or anything that is related to anything regarding some sort of emergency involving myself....

Good plan, yes?


I think I can do it.