Monday, May 3, 2010

A Simple Sunday Request

WARNING: The following entry is not meant to embarrass, harass, or in anyway offend anyone. It is just an observation and an opinion. Which is what all entries are. An observation of life and my opinion. And if the entry is not in the same structure as mentioned previously, it is merely meant as a funny look at life, meant to entertain and to be laughed at.
That is correct. I am giving you permission to laugh at me. So, take this opportunity to fully indulge yourself.

Moving on.

I was sitting in church with my family yesterday, and there was a couple sitting in front of us. I am sure each ward has a couple like this. And you know exactly who I am talking about.


They sat there throughout the entire meeting, cuddling, rubbing each others arms, being so cute I wanted to barf. In fact, I think I did. Just a little bit, and I had to fight to keep it in my mouth. I mean, I can sort of understand it if I had been in my BYU-I-DO singles ward....looking at an engaged couple...or even a couple that was seriously dating.
However, I was in my FAMILY WARD. With my FAMILY. Which includes my younger sisters....

VIRGIN EYES! Little, innocent, children are all around you!

We get it, you like each other. You really, REALLY like each other. We get it.

I have one simple request for you:

Please, please, PLEASE keep the canoodling to a minimum in church, and save the hard core stuff for Sunday School.