Thursday, May 19, 2011

I love my job!

I just want to say how much I love my job. 

**I love that I get to help people on a daily basis.

**I love feeling important.

***I LOVE that all my coworkers trust me so much.

**I love being a problem solver.

**I love visiting with the residents and making them feel important.

**I love being done with my work day in the early afternoon.

***I love providing for myself.

**I just love life, because I feel validated with my job!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I have come off CONQUEROR!

This week I found a bug in my itsy bitsy little black bug. 

Understand that I have a deal with all bugs. If you enter my house, I have the right to kill you. If you don't come inside my house, you will live a long, long buggy life....

So, I was totally justified in my next actions. 

I closed the dishwasher, after dumping some dishwasher detergent and bleach inside, turned all the settings on the highest temperature, and turned on the heat dry.

Fast forward 45 more bug.

I win!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

If....if is good.... :)

Random thought. 

Richest man in the world has $74 billion. Bill Gates is worth about $56 billion. Warren Buffet is worth $50 billion.

If you had just $1 billion, what would you do with it?

This is what I'd do:

1. Pay off all debt. (especially, student loans! ugh...)
2. Pay off my parent's debt (especially, their house)
3. Buy myself a 2002 Honda CRV
4. Give some money to my siblings for college (but, not enough to pay for all of college. Maybe, just pay parts of it, because, I definitely value my college education and every thing I learned...especially since I had to work all throughout college to make ends meet. But, learning hard work is If only my dad could hear me say that, I think he could die a very happy man.) 
5. Save. (And this would make my mom a very happy woman. She's always telling me to save some money...)

Why would I save? Because I know that things come up, that are very unexpected, and it's such a pain in the butt when it happens. 

PS. I would keep my job. I love my job. I love working. But, not to have the stress of making sure I work enough hours? That would be lovely.

So, what would you do?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cars.....suck...too bad I'm addicted to mine...


These sort of moments always happen to me.

But, this is what makes life interesting, right?

So, on Sunday morning, I was driving to work. (Which by the way, was 5am. I have the early shift.)

So, I'm driving down the road, about 1 mile from my apartment, and my tire blows. 

Awwww. crap.

This sucks. 

So, I pull the car all the way to the curb, and I stop. 

Where are the hazard lights? Where's the freaking hazard light button?!?!

I can't find the hazard light button. 

Shoot. Well, it's probably okay, because, it's Sunday morning at 5:15 am. There's no one on the road anyway....

So, I call Aunt Denise, because I'm freaking out, and don't realize that it's really Sunday, and she is asleep and not awake like I am. I'm trying to get the spare out of the trunk, as she answers the phone and sits on the phone with me as I'm freaking out, and having a total brain fart where I can't remember how to change a tire. 

Who forgets how to change a tire? It's not like it's rocket science!

Oh, did I mention that I'm completely acclimated to Arizona climate? Because, on this Sunday, it is about 40 degrees and raining. And, I'm FREEZING! And, wearing a skirt. And have no jacket. 

So, I'm on the ground, working on getting the jack situated and manage to get the jack in the correct spot. 

I'm jacking the car up, and it's working just perfect.

Then, as I'm about to unscrew the first lugnut, the jack breaks, and the car comes back to the ground. 

I start to break down. Is this really happening? 

Luckily, Aunt Denise and Uncle Joseph come to my rescue. While I wait, I call back into work, telling them I'm going to be really late, if I can get my car back together.
After a complete breakdown moment with my boss on the phone, a police officer stops. (because I finally found the hazard light knob...that doesn't have a hazard light symbol on it. ugh.)

He tells me I can't be on the side of the road I'm on. 

I explain my whole predicament. I tried to change the tire 30 minutes before, but the jack broke, and I'm late for work, which is a 45 minute drive away, I'm cold, I'm hormonal, and I don't know what to do!
He tells me I need to move my car around the corner to the side street. He helps me move everything BACK into the trunk, and I move my car. 



In the RAIN! 




Really, Mr. Police Officer? I thought you were nice.....

I cry. 

Then, Aunt Denise and Uncle Joseph save the day.
I get to work.
I work.
I go to WalMart and get a new tire...with insurance on it. 

The end.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


So, pretty much, when I saw this on my homepage yesterday, I laughed really hard. It was about 3pm in Mesa, and it was 70 degrees. BG was only 34, and Rexburg was 23...
and, I thought it was kind of chilly when I walked to the mailbox barefoot and wearing shorts and a t-shirt...
Take that, you people in Washington and Idaho who thought I was crazy to move to AZ!
Who's suffering now?

Friday, February 18, 2011

WHAT? HUH? Really?

I can make this:


But I can't make THIS:

Or this:

to save my life. What's up with that?

Who Woulda Thunk?

So, pretty much, I never thought about how living in my own apartment would be that much different from living in my college apartment. 

But, I love watching my different neighbors during my comings and goings. 

There is one lady who lives in the building directly across from my living room window. No matter what time it is, she is always sitting on her patio, talking on the phone....
Well, sometimes, she's sitting in a plastic lawn chair in front of her apartment...talking on the phone. 

But, I have come to appreciate the fact, that whether I'm coming or going, whether it's 5am, or 11pm, Ms. Talk-a-Holic is a constant in my new life.

And, I thought I talked a lot....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kabob....the origin.

Okay, people. How hard is it to pronounce someone's name correctly?

This is how I became Jenn Kabob.

No one can say my last name right. They just can't. It's like there's a teeny letter that I can't see on the end of my name that tells everyone else to mispronounce it. 


I've gotten what could be every version of my name.



So, in college, after being called Jenn Kabob at church one time, it just kind of stuck.

Thank you, Hannah, Paige, Kassi, Rachel, Jessica, Kassie, and everyone else.
Your nickname has created a phenomenon.  The beginning of something great.

And, quite possibly, this could be my million dollar break. I'll be sure to thank you when I accept an award for Jenn Kabob: The Movie.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

AKA: Jenn Kabob Moments.


There are all sorts of moments in life.

Yesterday, I was doing something in the back of my car, and as I was getting out, I smacked my head on the roof of the car. a lovely bump on the lower right side on the back of my head....

Today I was on the phone with Kaiti. I rolled off my bed, and smacked the lower left side on the back of my head on the top of my iron. 
...lovely matching bump on the back of my head, on the other side....

Luckily, there are no ER visits because of this. 

Luckily, the iron was off.

Luckily, no one saw me hitting my head on the car roof, as it was 5 am, and I was going to work.

Luckily, I've made it almost an entire week living totally on my own, and haven't visited the ER yet.

...And these are what are also known as: Jenn Kabob moments.

new goals.

No ER trips this year. 

....or urgent care...

...or anything that is related to anything regarding some sort of emergency involving myself....

Good plan, yes?


I think I can do it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Drug Testing.....Who knew this could be exciting?

Drug Testing
Who would have thought that this would be such a funny experience?
For a new job, I needed to go to the nearby urgent care and have a drug test. I knew it was coming, so on my way to Scottsdale, I guzzled a lot of liquid. I wanted to make sure I could just go into the place, pee in a cup, and leave.
That’s not what happened.
I got to the urgent care, and signed in, and waited.
And, waited……
….and waited some more.
I was texting Aunt Denise, and I finally told her that I just wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold it! It was starting to get to the point that I thought I might explode.
I was just about to go talk to the receptionist (after I had been sitting around for about 30 minutes…and I don’t know why, because it was only me and these two guys that were in the lobby, and they both came AFTER me….seriously) and let her know that there was no way I could hold my bladder any more
The nurse came out and called MY NAME!
I could PEE!
She took me back to the bathroom area, and locked up my purse and belongings (which, is a story in itself…my purse, my gigantic, glorious, red purse, didn’t fit. So, she had me SQUISH it into the cupboard!).
Then, she had me sign some papers, and explained that the flusher for the toilet was on the outside of the bathroom. I listen and nod my head.
But, I’m thinking, Okay lady, I’m ready to pee. Let me into that stinking bathroom and pee in this stupid cup so we can both get on with our lives.
I finally get into the bathroom, and I’m so excited to pee.
Let me explain to you the looks of this bathroom.
It was a square, and the walls were white. There was ugly tile on the floor. And the entire room was empty, except for a single toilet in one corner.
Welcome to prison.
This toilet is NASTY.
The seat part that comes down only covers half of the toilet. It's only HALF A TOILET SEAT! And on the toilet bowl, there is someone else's pee.
It was so gross.
And the inside of the toilet is covered in blue junk. I was so grossed out.
I look for toilet seat covers, and find nothing.
EWWWW. Nothing to protect myself from the nastiness of the toilet.
So, I situate myself on the toilet, and try to get the cup....down there...and the seat is in the way.
So, I have to lift the seat up and sit down...kind of...I'm squatting so that I don't touch the nastiness of the toilet bowl. 
So, I have my pee cup (and the lady told me to fill it to the 50 mL line…that’s a heck of a lot of pee!)
I’m actually kind of excited to pee, because I’m ready, and I know that I can get it to the 50 mL line.
I sit on the toilet, and I’m totally ready!
I got nothing!
I was just sitting in the waiting room, bouncing in my chair because I had to pee so BAD!
But, I got nothing!!!!!!
Please, please, PLEASE! Let me pee.
So, here I am, in this room, it’s empty, I’m on the toilet, and there’s no water to drink, no sink to turn on to make me pee…nothing!
I am so desperate, because by now I’ve been in the bathroom for about 5 minutes with nothing happening.
So, I start praying.
Please, Heavenly Father, just let me pee. I just need to pee. PLEASE!
And what happens?
I poop.
And, I’m sitting there, and I’m just wanting to pee.
FINALLY, after about 10 more minutes of sitting there, the pee finally comes.
And I fill that stinking cup to the 120 mL line. I FILLED the cup. To 120 mL!
But the nurse lady told me they only needed 50 mL.
So, I dump some of the pee out of the cup.
And my fear is that I pour too much out, and I would have to get myself to pee, again.
Luckily, I pour out just enough (and I stopped at the 55 mL lines).
So, I compose myself, walk out the door, and hold that precious cup. The nurse looks at me and barks at me to put the cup on the counter and to wash my hands.
Like I wouldn’t wash my hands? Uh, I have germs on my hand. And anyone that knows me, knows that I carry hand sanitizer EVERY WHERE. So, duh, I’ll wash my hands.
Then she takes that cup of pee, pours a little bit into two different vials, and takes a syringe sample, and then pours the 45 remaining milliliters in the toilet, with all my nasty waste, comes out of the room, and flushes the toilet.
I looked at her, exasperated.
I went through all that trouble, so you can use just 10 mLs?!?
Really? That’s ridiculous!
She said I could go home, and I grabbed my purse, and left.
The End.