Sunday, September 5, 2010

My New Best Friend

I have been in Arizona for just over a month. Oh my, I love it. Oh, how I love being in the sun EVERY day! It's just beautiful here; I never thought I would enjoy it so, So, SO much!

One warning about Arizona, however. 

Sunblock and the reapplication of sunblock should be mandatory. And should be enforced thoroughly.

I have an official Arizonan sunburn. Now, its not as bad as I've had in the past, but I definitely wasn't outside for THAT long...just a few hours. And I am RED. Super RED.

But I have the perfect solution:

Jergens Soothing Aloe Relief Lotion:

Jergens Soothing Aloe Relief Skin Comforting Moisturizer

Seriously, the best stuff....EVER! Now I just have to wait a few days for the red to turn to a nice tan and I'll be just Peachy!